Monday, June 17, 2019

How to Become an SEO Expert: A Guide to FREE SEO Training

SEO beginners teaching, understanding SEO search engine optimization, so that your website can not be ordered

SEO includes a variety of professional and technical, but if you need a professional SEO company to optimize your website ordering, in fact, after learning, you can also become an SEO expert, at least you can know what is good and what is useless. You can then commission a real SEO expert to serve you, and discuss with your experts the future plans of the company and how to make the website a powerful helper. 

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

SEO is a marketing rule that increases the visibility of web pages through natural sorting (no pay). SEO includes technology and ideas to improve page rank, traffic, and increase the exposure of web pages to search engines. There are many ways for SEO to connect to your web pages from text on a web page or from other websites. Sometimes SEO is just a simple way to ensure that search engines can understand your website architecture. 

SEO is not just about building a search engine friendly web page. SEO can make web pages more accessible to people and bring more information to people. We believe these are closely related to SEO principles.

This guide describes SEO at all levels – from using professional terminology and idioms (keywords) to browsing traffic to your site, to building a search engine friendly web page, to building links and running your own unique value pages, if now You are confused, but you are not alone, we will help you here.

Why does my web page need SEO?

The main source of web traffic comes from major business search engines, Google, Bing, Yahoo!, although social media or other means can make people visit your web page, but search engines are still the main search for most web users. The way, whether your web page is providing content, services, products, information, or anything else.

The unique thing about search engines is that they provide "targeted" traffic – people search for the information you provide, and search engines are the way to this goal, if the search engine can't find your page, or can't put your page By adding articles to their database, you lose the best chance of attracting traffic to your site.

Search Query – the text that the viewer enters into the search box – is a very valuable keyword, and experience has shown that search engine traffic can accomplish (or destroy) the success or failure of a company, for the site, "targeted" traffic is provided The publicity, income and exposure are comparable to other marketing methods, and SEO's return on investment is much more efficient than other types of marketing and publicity.

If there is no SEO, why can't the search engine improve my page rank?

Search engines are smart, but they still need help. In order to crawl and retrieve web pages to present better search results to users, the main search engines have been working to improve their technology. However, search engine operations still have Restrictions, the right SEO method can make your webpage get a lot of exposure and attention, and the wrong behavior can make your webpage immediately less exposed and deeply buried in the depth of the Internet world.

In addition to allowing website content to be found by search engines, SEO is also good for ranking. In this case, the content of the website will be placed in an easy-to-find place. The competition in the Internet is becoming more and more fierce. The advantages and disadvantages of companies implementing SEO will be browsed. And the website has a decisive advantage.

Can I do SEO myself?

The world of SEO is very complicated, but most people can easily understand its basic knowledge. Even some basic knowledge concepts can benefit people a lot. There are many free SEO teachings on the Internet like this one. After a lot of reference materials are executed and tested, you can also become an SEO master in your own way.

Depending on how much time you spend, the depth of your learning, and the complexity of your website, you may need a professional SEO company to handle it for you. There are many types of companies that do SEO, some specialize in high-tech areas, while others use more common methods, but they must not hire SEO companies using black hats.

Whether you want to do it yourself or ask the company to do it, it's best to be able to understand the core concepts.

If you really want to improve your web traffic and understand SEO, we recommend that you read this guide from beginning to end. After that, other websites may have many related links and articles worth exploring.

The main source of web traffic comes from major business search engines, Google, Bing, and Yahoo!. While social media or other means can give people access to your pages, search engines are still the primary way for most web users to search, whether your page is offering content, services, products, news, or anything else. .

Provide your SEO beginners guide to download

How can I detect my website SEO?

  • Keyword Opportunity Analysis Tool Keyword Explorer
  • Website speed detection Google Page speed
  • Website speed analysis tool WebPagetest
  • Web Apps Review Lighthouse Web App
  • Mobile device compatibility test Google
  • Website Optimizer Google Search Console
  • Website Analysis Statistics Tool (1) Google Analytics
  • Website Analysis Statistics Tool (2) Clicky
  • Reverse Link Crawler (1) Open Site Explorer
  • Reverse Link Grab Tool (2) Majestic
  • Brand awareness testing tool (registration required) Fresh Web Explorer
  • Image Optimizer TinyPNG

Do you know Google's three animal algorithms?

  • Google Panda Algorithm (Website Quality): The purpose of the "Panda Algorithm" update is to reward high quality websites and reduce the existence of low quality websites in Google organic search engine results. It was originally called "farmer". According to Google, the "Panda Algorithm" has an English search result of 12% in the first few months. From 2011 to 2015, we have tracked the 28 Panda Algorithm update records.

  • Google Penguin Algorithm (Website Quality): Following the "Panda Algorithm", Google's "Penguin Algorithm" is a new effort, mainly to reward high quality websites and reduce search engine results pages (SERP) Sites that involve manipulating links and keyword pops.

  • Google Hummingbird Algorithm: Unlike the previously released "Panda Algorithm" and "Penguin Algorithm" updates, which were originally released as an add-on to Google's existing algorithms, the "Hummingbird Algorithm" has been completely transformed into a core algorithm reference, although Many of the previous components in the core algorithm remain, but the "Hummingbird Algorithm" shows that Google is beginning to understand the searcher's "what is the intent to query the data?" and match it to the relevant results.
  • What changes did Google Medic Update make? What is YMYL?

    Since GOOGLE has already completed the update of YMYL and Medic, the related categories of websites that may be covered are currently being watched by many SEO technicians. Although Google claims to be a broad core update, many related industries have indeed been ranked by the website. The impact, especially on health and wellness-related websites, confirms that GOOGLE has indeed been updated. (understand more)

SEO extension discussion

Although we often search the Internet for information, search for recommended restaurants, professional advice, and online purchases, we tend to ignore the business model of search engines. Many professional SEO staff will focus on short-term operational results and often think about it. I have made such changes to the website. What will happen? Of course, these parts are also very important, but we should pay more attention to the following key questions and discuss SEO more comprehensively.

The experience of many SEO experts is: "Optimize your title tags, make sure your site reads quickly, then write a lot of blog posts, and ask for some links back to the site, you will see the site's search rankings getting better and better" These experts will tell you that they are doing more and deeper than you think, not only those above, but only the outline of the services they provide. If you only have basic SEO knowledge, it sounds very reasonable. There is no reason to expect more content, until the ranking of your website has not improved, will ask.

  • How does the search engine itself make money?
  • What is the purpose of the search engine in addition to making money?
  • The future of search engines?

Related article links

The search engine has two main functions: crawling and indexing, and providing a list of the most relevant search results for the user. The global information network is like the subway system of a big city. Each station is a document (usually a web page, but sometimes a PDF, JPEG, or other file). The best way for search engines to find a way to "search" the entire city and find ways for each site is to use the "link" approach to web design.

The most important strategy for SEO search engine optimization is to give your customers a sense of identity. Once you have mastered the needs of the target market, it is easier to market and retain your customers. (In the design of the web page, you must understand the nature of the product and market it. Strategy)

The most important task of SEO search engine optimization is to make your website easy to be understood by users and web spiders. Although the search engine has become more sophisticated, it is still impossible to view web pages from a human perspective. The SEO search engine optimization is intended to help the search engine more easily interpret each web page and analyze whether the web page can bring the content that the user needs.

Because the search engine cannot fully interpret the content of the webpage, the webpage design needs to be easily indexed by the search spider. For search engines, the pages they see are not the same as ours. In this chapter, we will focus on the technical aspects of the site, which is similar in the eyes of search engines and users. This chapter can be shared with programmers, front-end engineers, and web designers, so that everyone involved in website production has the same knowledge.

Regardless of the user experience or the search engine, the title tag of the web page must describe the content of the entire web page as simply and clearly as possible. Based on this factor, it is also the most important part of website administrators' operation of SEO when designing web pages. Just pay attention to the following points, you can get good results.

Web page SEO (also known as SEO within a website) refers to the elements of an optimized website (connected to other Internet and other external information, collectively referred to as non-web SEO) executed on the website, from the natural search, to improve the website. Search for sorts and earn more meaningful traffic by optimizing webpage content and HTML code.

In terms of the content of a web page, why is it worthwhile to search for the ranking results of the current search, which should be based on the searcher's point of view. Of course, this is also very important for search engines. Therefore, it is very important to create high-quality content. Is it quality content? From the perspective of SEO, all good content needs to have two main points. Good content must provide requirements and can be linked.

The title tag is an HTML element that specifies the title of the page. The title tag is displayed on the search engine results page (SERP) as a clickable title for specific results, which is important for usability, search engine optimization and social sharing. The title tag of a web page is an accurate and concise description of the content of the web page.

The meta description tag is not limited by the search engine rankings, but it is very important to get user clicks from the SERP. These short descriptions are opportunities for webmasters to "advertise" content to searchers, who have the opportunity to confirm that the content is relevant and whether there is a message containing the search in their query.seo company website

Alt is used in HTML code to replace text, also known as "alt attribute", "alt description", and the commonly known but technically incorrect "alt tag" to describe the appearance and function of the image img on the page.

Duplicate content means that the same content appears in multiple places on the Internet. "One place" is defined as a unique URL (URL), so if the same content appears on multiple URLs, it means that your site content is duplicated.

SSL credentials are a standard technique for establishing a password link between a web server (host) and a web browser (client) so that there is a reliable connection between the two, so that private information and internal information can be retained when the information is transmitted. SSL credentials are an enterprise standard specification that is used by millions of websites to protect their online transactions and customers.

The SEO website architecture needs to be produced for HTML5 + CSS, and the appropriate use of <H1><H2><H3> tags is a good way to build, and is the basis of all SEO. Inferior architecture will result, 0 points and 100. The score is still 0 points.seo company website

Robots Meta instructions (sometimes called "Meta tags") are program syntax that provides a crawler for web crawlers to crawl or index web content, although the robots.txt file directive can also help web crawlers. The proposal to crawl the site, but the Robots Meta directive provides a more rigorous, guided web crawler how to crawl and index the content of the page. (commonly known as Schema or structured material) is a specific tag (or Microdata) vocabulary that you can add to your HTML to improve how the page is represented in the SERP.

The HTTP status code is the response of the server to the browser request. When you visit a website, your browser sends a request to the server of the site, and the server responds to the browser request with a three-digit code. This is HTTP status code.

"Page speed" is usually confused with "website speed". The speed of the website is actually the speed of the page browsing page. The speed of the page can be "page reading time" (the time required to display the content completely on a specific web page) or "number" A textual time to describe (how long it takes for the browser to read the first text message from the web server when opening the web page).

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is a systematic process that increases the percentage of website visitors who take the expected action, ie filling out a form, becoming a customer or otherwise, the CRO process involves understanding how users are moving on your website and what they have taken Actions and the reasons that prevent them from completing their goals.

URLs are unique, human-readable Internet addresses for websites that consist of three parts: a top-level URL (sometimes called an extension or URL suffix), a URL (or IP address), and an optional sub-URL.

A URL (Global Resource Locator) (more commonly referred to as a "URL") specifies the location of a resource (eg, a web page) on the Internet. The URL also specifies how to retrieve the resource (also known as "protocol" such as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, etc.).seo company websi

The canonical tag (aka "rel canonical") is a way to tell the search engine that a specific URL represents the main page and the copy. Using the canonical tag prevents problems caused by the same or "duplicate" content in multiple URLs. The canonical tag tells the search engine which version of the URL you want to appear in the search results.

Forwarding is the process of jumping a URL to another URL. There are three main types of forwarding: 301, 302 and meta refresh.

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