Saturday, June 1, 2019

Modern methods of hacking corporate networks

Modern methods of hacking corporate networks

(Secure IT World 2019)

Image result for secure it world

On October 2, 2015, in the Cultural and Business Center “Club House” an information security conference “Secure IT World 2019” will be held, in which, in addition to the main program, a special stand will be available, allowing event participants to monitor hacker attacks on the corporate network of the Test lab "in real time. Equipped with a large display with a world map of online attacks, the stand will provide a visual representation of the geographical distribution of hackers and the intensity of hacking, and the PENTESTIT staff will advise and answer any questions of interest related to modern information security threats.

Demonstration of modern attacks on the corporate network

Laboratories "Test lab" are corporate networks of virtual companies and are designed to legally test the skills of finding and operating vulnerabilities in real conditions. You can try your hand at pentest labs at the link . The main feature of all "Test lab" is their realism: the structure of laboratories is developed on the basis of networks of real companies.

Every day, dozens of hackers from all over the world are trying to attack laboratory nodes using various modern methods and tools of pentest. Participation in the “Test lab” requires good practical training in the field of penetration testing, and the results clearly demonstrate the degree of network insecurity: any, even a trifling error in setting up a service may allow an attacker to access the most protected information. Weak password policy, “forgotten” services and websites, configuration errors and human factors - each of the vulnerabilities can lead to irreversible consequences. Want to know how?

Methods of conducting attacks on corporate networks

During the event, in the section “Total Safecontrol” we will talk about modern methods of hacking corporate networks and systems:

  • External and internal intrusion attempts;
  • Penetration scenarios;
  • Compromise of the system, consolidation and implementation of the goals of intruders;
  • Best incident response practices;
  • Risks and consequences of system compromise.

The report will consider practical cases based on our experience and the experience of our colleagues.

See you at the conference "Secure IT World 2019"

Attend the Secure IT World 2019 conference , where we will tell and demonstrate both modern methods of penetrating corporate networks and systems, as well as countermeasures to them.



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